Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Vibrant Serenity of Purple Clematis: A Masterpiece by Bonnie Hodges

In the world of botanical art, few artists capture the delicate beauty and vibrant energy of flowers as masterfully as Bonnie Hodges. Her latest work, a stunning painting of purple clematis, is a testament to her exceptional talent and deep appreciation for the natural world. This piece not only showcases her technical skills, but also evokes a sense of tranquility and wonder that transports viewers into a serene garden oasis.


"Purple Clematis"
Bonnie Hodges
9" x 13"

A Glimpse into the Artist's Background

Bonnie Hodges has long been celebrated for her intricate and lifelike paintings. With a career spanning over four decades, her works have been featured in numerous exhibitions and are held in high regard by collectors and art enthusiasts alike. Hodges' passion for flora and fauna is evident in every brushstroke, as she meticulously studies her subjects to ensure each painting is a true representation of nature's splendor.

The Subject: Purple Clematis

The purple clematis, known for its rich hues and elegant blossoms, is a perennial favorite among gardeners and flower enthusiasts. In Hodges' painting, this captivating flower is brought to life with an extraordinary level of detail. Each petal is rendered with a delicate touch, capturing the velvety texture and subtle variations in color that make the clematis so enchanting.

Composition and Technique

Hodges' composition is both dynamic and balanced, with the clematis flowers arranged in a way that draws the viewer's eye across the canvas. The interplay of light and shadow adds depth and dimension, making the flowers appear three-dimensional. Hodges employs a blend of traditional and contemporary techniques, using a fine-tipped brush for the intricate details and broader strokes to create a soft, dreamy background.

The use of color in this painting is particularly noteworthy. The rich purples of the clematis petals are complemented by the lush greens of the leaves and the gentle gradient of the background, which transitions from a light lavender to a deeper shade of plum. This harmonious palette not only highlights the natural beauty of the clematis, but also creates a soothing and immersive viewing experience.

Emotional Resonance

Beyond its technical prowess, Hodges' painting of the purple clematis resonates on an emotional level. The serene beauty of the flowers, captured in full bloom, evokes feelings of peace and contentment. It is a reminder of the simple joys found in nature and the importance of taking a moment to appreciate the world around us.

The Impact of Botanical Art

Bonnie Hodges' work contributes to the rich tradition of botanical art, a genre that has historically bridged the gap between science and art. Her paintings not only serve as beautiful decorative pieces, but also as educational tools that highlight the diversity and intricacy of plant life. In an age where digital media often dominates, Hodges' dedication to the craft of painting and her ability to capture the essence of her subjects are both refreshing and inspiring.


The painting of purple clematis by Bonnie Hodges is a remarkable piece that exemplifies her skill, passion, and artistic vision. It stands as a beautiful tribute to the natural world and a testament to the enduring power of botanical art. For those who have the privilege of viewing this painting, it is an invitation to pause, reflect, and immerse oneself in the serene beauty that Hodges so masterfully captures on canvas.



Edmonds, Washington
Art (at)
Artwork © Bonnie M Hodges 2024


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Turbo: A Heartwarming Tribute to Canine Companionship


In the world of art, there are countless ways to capture the essence of life, but few are as heartwarming and delightful as the charming animal paintings crafted by the talented artist, Bonnie Hodges. Among her many creations, her new drawing stands out as a true testament to her skill and affection for our furry companions: Turbo.

Bonnie Hodges, known for her ability to breathe life into her artwork, has a unique talent for capturing the playful spirit and endearing qualities of dogs and other animals. Turbo, in particular, embodies the essence of canine charm with her wide-eyed innocence and boundless energy.

From the moment you lay eyes on Turbo, you cannot help but be drawn in by her adorable features. With a wagging tail, perky ears, and a bright, eager expression, Turbo radiates joy and warmth. It is as though she were inviting you to join her on a playful romp through the park or a cozy snuggle on the couch.

What truly sets Turbo apart is the skillful hand of Bonnie Hodges, whose attention to detail and artistic flair bring this canine character to life in stunning detail. Every stroke of her pencil seems to imbue Turbo with a sense of personality and vitality, making her feel like more than just a drawing but a cherished companion.

Part of what makes Turbo so special is the love and care that Bonnie puts into each piece of her artwork. As a passionate dog lover herself, Bonnie understands the unique bond between humans and their furry friends, and she strives to capture that bond in her artwork.

Whether displayed as a standalone piece or incorporated into a larger collection of art, Turbo brings a touch of whimsy and joy to any space. Her presence is sure to bring a smile to your face and warm your heart each time you gaze upon her adorable features.

In a world fraught with chaos and uncertainty, art acts as a beacon, illuminating the simple joys of existence. Through the creative prowess of Bonnie Hodges, Turbo becomes a poignant testament to the unwavering love dogs bestow upon us. In this portrayal, Turbo embodies the essence of innocence and affection, reminding us that amidst life's complexities, the most priceless masterpieces often take the form of a beloved canine companion.

See more of Bonnie's animal portraits HERE

Meet the Artist:
Edmonds Art Walk
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 5 PM to 8 PM

Soaring Heart Natural Beds,
111 Main St, Ste 101
Edmonds, WA 98020

Prints, note cards, and select original art will be available for purchase. 



Edmonds, Washington
Art (at)
Artwork © Bonnie M Hodges 2024


Friday, March 15, 2024

Capturing Timeless Beauty: Bonnie Hodges' Mastery of Still Life Painting


In the world of visual arts, still life painting stands as a timeless genre that offers artists a unique opportunity to explore the beauty and intricacies of everyday objects. Among the contemporary masters of this genre, Bonnie Martin Hodges emerges as a luminary whose works mesmerize viewers with their rich color, intricate textures, and remarkable three-dimensionality. Drawing inspiration from the great masters of the past, particularly Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin, Hodges infuses her still lifes with a sense of classical elegance and profound depth.

At first glance, Hodges' paintings exude a sense of quiet serenity, inviting viewers into a world of contemplation and introspection. Each carefully arranged composition beckons the observer to linger, to explore the nuances of form and light that dance across the canvas. Yet, upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that Hodges' mastery lies not only in her ability to capture the external beauty of her subjects, but also in her skillful portrayal of their inherent essence.

One of the most striking aspects of Hodges' work is her meticulous attention to detail, evident in the lifelike rendering of every object depicted. Whether it be a cluster of ripe fruit, a delicate flower, or a weathered piece of pottery, each element is imbued with a sense of palpable realism that transports the viewer into the heart of the scene. Through her expert use of color and shading, Hodges creates a sense of depth and dimensionality that is truly breathtaking, inviting viewers to reach out and touch the objects before them.

Central to Hodges' artistic vision is her profound understanding of light and its transformative power. Much like Chardin, whose mastery of light and shadow revolutionized the genre of still life painting, Hodges employs chiaroscuro techniques to dramatic effect. In her paintings, light becomes not merely an illuminating force, but a powerful storyteller, shaping the mood and atmosphere of each composition. Shadows dance across surfaces, casting subtle nuances of color and texture that add a sense of drama and intrigue to the scene.

Furthermore, Hodges' works bear a striking resemblance to Chardin's in their ability to evoke a sense of quiet introspection and timeless beauty. Like Chardin, Hodges possesses a keen eye for capturing the inherent dignity and grace of everyday objects, elevating them to the realm of art. Her paintings resonate with a sense of authenticity and sincerity that is both captivating and deeply moving, inviting viewers to pause and reflect on the fleeting moments of beauty that surround them.

In conclusion, Bonnie Hodges stands as a master of the still life genre, whose paintings serve as a testament to the enduring power of art to transcend time and space. Through her remarkable ability to capture rich color, texture, and three-dimensionality, she invites viewers into a world of timeless beauty and contemplation. Like Chardin before her, Hodges' works are destined to stand the test of time, inspiring future generations of artists and art lovers alike.

View more of Bonnie’s still lifes HERE.

Meet the Artist:
Edmonds Art Walk
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 5 PM to 8 PM
Soaring Heart Natural Beds, 111 Main St, Ste 101, Edmonds, WA 98020

Prints, note cards, and select original art will be available for purchase. 



Edmonds, Washington
Art (at)
Artwork © Bonnie M Hodges 2024


The Artistic Mastery of Bonnie Hodges: A Contemporary Portrait Virtuoso

In the realm of portraiture, where the essence of individuals is captured on canvas, Bonnie Martin Hodges emerges as a luminary among contemporaries. This article delves into the profound craftsmanship and humanistic depth present in Hodges' artistry, reflecting on her technique, the soulful resonance of her subjects, and her distinct place in the annals of portraiture.

Discovering Hodges' World:

In her meticulously curated collection lie countless works, each a hidden gem awaiting exploration—a veritable treasure trove of artistic endeavors. Stepping into Hodges' atelier, one is enveloped in a sanctuary dedicated to the craft of portraiture, where every corner is adorned with sketches, preparatory drawings, and canvases bursting with vitality. Here, amid this rich tapestry of creativity, one can truly grasp the depth of Hodges' mastery—a lifetime's dedication distilled into strokes of genius. It is a place where academic precision seamlessly intertwines with the intangible, where the artist's ineffable ability to infuse her subjects with life is palpable, breathing soul into each portrait with an unmatched finesse.

Capturing the Soul:

In Hodges' portraits, one is not merely presented with a likeness captured on canvas; rather, there exists a profound transference of the sitter's essence. Her works transcend mere physical representation, embodying the rich tradition of "humanist portraits," wherein the very soul and depth of the individual find profound expression. Each stroke of her brush, carefully applied, carries with it an acute understanding of the complexities of the human condition. Hodges delves deeply into the psyche of her subjects, capturing not just their outward appearance, but also their innermost thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Within the gaze of her subjects and the subtle nuances of expression, viewers find themselves drawn into a compelling dialogue—a silent exchange between the portrayed and the observer. Hodges' portraits serve as mirrors reflecting not only the external features of her subjects but also the intricacies of their inner worlds. In this interplay between artist and audience, a profound connection is forged, inviting viewers to explore the depths of human experience and empathy. Each portrait becomes a portal, offering glimpses into the diverse tapestry of human existence and inviting contemplation on the shared essence that binds us all.

Composition and Dramatic Tension:

Hodges' compositions stand as a testament to her innate mastery of balance and tension, a skill honed through years of dedicated practice and a profound understanding of artistic principles. Whether portraying a solitary figure lost in introspection or orchestrating a tableau brimming with narrative depth, she deftly uses line and color with a finesse reminiscent of the old masters.

In each composition, there is a delicate dance between elements, meticulously arranged to evoke a sense of harmony and intrigue. Hodges' keen eye for proportion and form ensures that every figure occupies its space with a sense of purpose and dynamism. Even in static scenes, there is an underlying tension—an anticipation that keeps the viewer engaged and eager to unravel the narrative inside the frame.

Central to Hodges' compositions is her command of light—a technique reminiscent of the teachings of Delacroix, whose mastery of chiaroscuro revolutionized the art world. Through skillful manipulation of light and shadow, she infuses her portraits with a luminosity that seems to emanate from within, captivating the eye and lending a palpable sense of presence to her subjects.

It is through these subtle interplays of shadow and illumination that Hodges guides the viewer's gaze, leading them on a journey of discovery through the rich tapestry of her art. Each brushstroke, each flicker of light, serves as a beacon, drawing the observer more deeply into the narrative unfolding before them. In this way, Hodges' compositions transcend mere representation, inviting viewers to immerse themselves fully in the world she has created and to experience the profound beauty of her vision.

A Distinctive Voice:

While echoes of past masters reverberate within the intricate layers of her work, Hodges stands as an original, a beacon of innovation in the realm of portraiture. Her artistic style, a harmonious blend of classical tradition and contemporary sensibility, defies easy categorization, carving out a path that is unmistakably her own.

In the confident strokes of her brush and the nuanced choices of her palette, one can discern subtle echoes of the great masters who came before her. There are hints of Degas in her graceful lines, traces of Rembrandt in her mastery of light and shadow. Yet, to simply label Hodges as a disciple of these masters would be a disservice to her singular talent.

For Hodges is more than a mere imitator; she is a true innovator, pushing the boundaries of portraiture into new and uncharted territory. With each stroke of her brush, she breathes life into her subjects, infusing them with a vitality and depth that is entirely her own. In her hands, the classical becomes contemporary, the familiar becomes fresh and new.

It is this fearless spirit of experimentation, this willingness to break free from the constraints of tradition, that sets Hodges apart. She is a trailblazer, forging ahead into the unknown, guided by her own unique vision and boundless creativity. And in so doing, she leaves behind a legacy that is not just a reflection of the past, but a bold statement of the future—a testament to the enduring power of art to inspire, to challenge, and to transform.


Bonnie Hodges stands as a beacon in the contemporary art world, her portraits serving as windows into the human soul. With each stroke of her brush, she captures not only the likeness of her subjects, but also the essence of their being. In a world inundated with fleeting trends and passing fads, Hodges' artistry endures, a timeless testament to the enduring power of portraiture.

View more of Bonnie’s portraits HERE.

Meet the Artist:
Edmonds Art Walk
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 5 PM to 8 PM
Soaring Heart Natural Beds, 111 Main St, Ste 101, Edmonds, WA 98020

Prints, note cards, and select original art will be available for purchase. 



Edmonds, Washington
Art (at)
Artwork © Bonnie M Hodges 2024


Thursday, March 14, 2024

An Evening with Bonnie Hodges: April 2024 Edmonds Art Walk


Renowned artist, Bonnie Martin Hodges, will appear at Art Walk Edmonds on Thursday, April 18, 2024, from 5 PM to 8 PM at Soaring Heart Natural Beds, located at 111 Main St, Ste 101, Edmonds, WA 98020. Attendees of this event will have the opportunity to view the captivating artwork of Bonnie Hodges, whose creations explore themes of nature, emotion, and the human experience.

Hodges' artistry is characterized by a masterful use of color, texture, and form, inviting viewers into a world of beauty and introspection. With a repertoire that spans various mediums including oil, pastel, watercolor, and digital art, Hodges showcases her versatility and skill in bringing portraits, landscapes, and still lifes to life with remarkable realism and expressive depth.

Jerry Goldstein, owner of Post Gallery in Houston, praises Hodges' versatility, noting her ability to seamlessly blend tight and expressive techniques with an exceptional grasp of color value. Goldstein describes her as "an extremely versatile artist [with] an ability to be tight and expressive with a use of color value that is extremely good.” This versatility is evident in Hodges' oeuvre, where her works transcend traditional boundaries, exuding spirit and energy that resonates with audiences.

Among Hodges' most notable compositions are her animal portraits, lauded for their lifelike quality that seems to beckon tactile interaction. With meticulous attention to detail, Hodges captures not just the physical attributes but also the unique personalities of her subjects, particularly evident in the soulful portrayal of their eyes. (View animal portraits here.)

Hodges' journey into the world of visual arts began with a B.A. in Studio Arts from the University of Maryland. Her passion for illustration led to a distinguished career with the U.S. Department of State, where she refined her craft and developed her signature style.

Throughout her illustrious career, Hodges' art has garnered recognition on national and international stages, being featured in prestigious art shows, competitions, and esteemed magazines. Her works have found their way into collections across the United States and Europe, further solidifying her reputation as a respected artist.

Not content with merely creating art, Hodges has also dedicated herself to nurturing the next generation of artistic talent. As a former faculty member at Edmonds Community College, she shared her expertise in oil painting with eager students, leaving an indelible mark on the local artistic community.

In the world of visual arts, Bonnie Hodges stands as a testament to the transformative power of creativity. With her masterful technique, unwavering dedication, and boundless passion for art, she continues to inspire and captivate audiences, leaving an enduring legacy in the art world.

Bonnie's online portfolio:

Meet the Artist:
Art Walk Edmonds
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 5 PM to 8 PM
Soaring Heart Natural Beds, 111 Main St, Ste 101, Edmonds, WA 98020

Prints, note cards, and select original art will be available for purchase. 



Edmonds, Washington
Art (at)
Artwork © Bonnie M Hodges 2024


Capturing the Spirit: Bonnie Hodges' Animal Portraits


In the realm of art, the ability to capture the essence of a subject is a skill revered and sought after. Few artists achieve this level of mastery, yet Bonnie Martin Hodges stands out prominently among them. With her exceptional talent and unique approach, Hodges has carved a niche for herself in the world of animal portraiture. Through her captivating artwork, she brings animals to life on canvas, revealing their individuality, spirit, and charm. In this article, we explore her techniques, inspirations, and the profound connection she forges between art and nature.

The Artist Behind the Canvas:

Bonnie Hodges is not merely an artist; she is a storyteller who uses her brushstrokes to convey narratives of the animal kingdom. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Hodges developed a deep appreciation for nature and its inhabitants from a young age. Her upbringing instilled in her a keen eye for detail and an unwavering love for animals, both of which would later become defining elements of her artistic style.

Hodges' journey as an artist began with formal training in fine arts, where she honed her technical skills and learned the fundamentals of composition, color theory, and anatomy. However, it was her innate passion for animals that served as the driving force behind her creative endeavors. Drawing inspiration from the natural world around her, Hodges embarked on a mission to capture the beauty and character of various species through her artwork.

The Artistic Process:

At the heart of Bonnie Hodges' artistic process lies a deep sense of empathy and connection with her subjects. Before putting brush to canvas, Hodges spends considerable time studying and observing the animals she wishes to portray. Whether it is a wild wolf, a playful puppy, or a serene horse, each subject is studied so that it can be understood on a personal level.

Once Hodges has formed a bond with her subject, she begins the process of translating their essence onto canvas. Her technique combines elements of realism with a touch of impressionism, allowing her to capture not only the physical likeness of the animal, but also its unique personality and spirit. Through careful attention to detail, subtle brushwork, and a masterful use of light and shadow, Hodges brings her subjects to life in a way that is both strikingly lifelike and deeply evocative.

One of the hallmarks of Hodges' work is her ability to convey emotion through the eyes of her subjects. Whether it is the soulful gaze of a camel or the playful twinkle in a kitten's eye, Hodges infuses her paintings with a sense of intimacy and connection that resonates with viewers on a profound level. Each stroke of her brush serves to deepen the narrative, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the world of the animal and experience its joys, fears, and triumphs alongside it.

Inspiration and Influence:

Bonnie Hodges' artistic journey is fueled by a myriad of influences, ranging from classical painters to contemporary wildlife photographers. She draws inspiration from the works of masters such as John James Audubon, Thomas Moran, and John Singer Sargent, all of whom shared her passion for capturing the beauty and majesty of the natural world.

In addition to visual artists, Hodges finds inspiration in the writings of naturalists and conservationists who have dedicated their lives to protecting and preserving wildlife. Through her art, she seeks to raise awareness about the plight of endangered species and the importance of environmental conservation. By portraying animals in their natural habitats and celebrating their inherent dignity and worth, Hodges hopes to inspire others to take action and become stewards of the planet.

The Legacy of Bonnie Hodges:

As Bonnie Hodges continues to create breathtaking animal portraits that captivate and inspire audiences worldwide, her legacy as an artist and advocate for wildlife conservation grows ever stronger. Through her art, she reminds us of the profound bond that exists between humans and animals and the shared responsibility we have to protect and cherish the natural world.

In a society increasingly disconnected from nature, Hodges' work serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us. Through her keen observations, technical prowess, and unwavering passion, she invites us to see the world through the eyes of the animals she portrays, fostering a deeper appreciation for the intricate tapestry of life that surrounds us all.


In the realm of animal portraiture, Bonnie Hodges stands as a true master, whose work transcends mere representation to capture the very essence of her subjects. Through her art, she invites us to embark on a journey of discovery and wonder, where every stroke of her brush reveals new depths of beauty and meaning. As we gaze upon her exquisite creations, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of all living things and the profound impact that art can have in fostering empathy, understanding, and appreciation for the world around us.

More of Bonnie’s animal portraits can be viewed here:

Bonnie's online portfolio:

Meet the Artist:
Art Walk Edmonds
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 5 PM to 8 PM
Soaring Heart Natural Beds, 111 Main St, Ste 101, Edmonds, WA 98020

Prints, note cards, and select original art will be available for purchase. 



Edmonds, Washington
Art (at)
Artwork © Bonnie M Hodges 2024


Saturday, December 30, 2023

About Artist Bonnie Hodges


About Artist Bonnie Hodges

Bonnie Hodges stands as a revered artist originating from Washington, DC, but now located in the Pacific Northwest, enchanting art connoisseurs with a distinctive style that pays homage to the marvels of nature. Her artistic journey traverses various themes, techniques, and a profound connection with the splendor of the natural realm.

Artistic Fusion of Nature and Vision: 

Hodges' art seamlessly blends the allure of nature with her creative vision. Each artwork serves as a portal to tranquil landscapes and serene seascapes, encapsulating the essence of the natural world. Her attention to detail breathes life into vibrant colors, intricate textures, and the interplay of light and shadow, evoking a profound sense of awe and fascination.

Expressive Craftsmanship and Technique:

Her artistic brilliance radiates through expressive brushwork and a masterful technique that melds impressionistic, realistic, and abstract elements. Each brushstroke is laden with emotion and vitality, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the energy and motion within her creations.

Symbolism and Emotional Depth:

Beyond their visual allure, Hodges' paintings often carry profound symbolism and emotional depth. Contemplating her art prompts reflection on the interconnectedness between humanity and the natural world, evoking harmony, balance, and introspection.

Mastering Light and Color Symphony:

Hodges is renowned for her adeptness in capturing ethereal light and harmonious color palettes. Her portrayal of sunlight and shadows infuses paintings with captivating luminosity. From soft pastels to vibrant hues, her chosen color schemes evoke serenity and elicit emotional responses, creating a visual symphony that resonates deeply.

Inviting Reconnection with Nature:

Through her art, Hodges inspires a reconnection with the natural world, inviting viewers to appreciate the often-overlooked beauty surrounding us. Her works serve as gentle reminders to pause, immerse ourselves in nature's serenity, and rekindle a sense of wonder and gratitude.

Biographical Background:

An award-winning artist based in Edmonds, Washington, near Seattle, Bonnie Hodges holds a B.A. in Studio Arts from the University of Maryland. Her career includes previous work as an Illustrator for the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C. and as a teacher for Edmonds Community College.

Artistic Evolution and Recognition:

Utilizing various media such as oil, pastel, watercolor, and digital art, Hodges' artwork has graced galleries, national and international art shows, and prestigious collections across the USA and Europe.

To explore more of Bonnie Hodges' captivating world, visit her website: 

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Edmonds, Washington
Art (at)
Artwork © Bonnie M Hodges 2023